The Children's and Adults New Beginners Course offers an introductory experience to Jersey Kazen Kai...
"Awakening - Sacral Chakra Power" is an 8-week transformational journey focused on reconnecting with...
Join the Kirtan Collective Community for a rejuvenating evening of Yoga Nidra and Kirtan on Friday, ...
Join us for the Sixth Form Experience Day at Victoria College on Friday, 31 January, where Year 11 s...
Vinyasa Yoga - all levels offers a dynamic and fluid practice suitable for practitioners of all expe...
Refresh your dive skills in the comfort of the Lanford Sports Centre pool, starting with a theory an...
Dive into a fun and educational experience with our snorkel lesson in the pool, perfect for beginner...
Discover natural remedies to alleviate anxiety and manage panic attacks in this informative workshop...
"Get into Yoga Class" is a beginner-friendly course designed for those new to yoga, focusing on foun...
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